Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How I Spent My Blogger Vacation

 Yeah... No. (image credit: unkown)

I write this blog because 1) I like to eat. 2) I like to write. 3) I think there are enough hidden (and not so hidden) treasures around Lancaster that warrant a spotlight every now and then. However, until I start getting MAD PAID or MAD FED from doing this blog, we'll all just have to sit tight and wait with baited breath for my next big review because sometimes life gives you lemons and then overdraws your bank accounts, wrecks your car and nearly throws you in jail. UGH. I will make no excuses for my recent month long hiatus, but if you really want to know, here are a few excuses.

Ever since getting back from Disneyworld (jealous?) I have been living in the poorhouse. Disneyworld, for as wonderful and magical a place as it is, is also a giant "Take-Machine" whose only function is to find and destroy your wallet. By all means, go there, its fantastic (Magic Kingdom is THE BEST) but don't think that you'll be coming home with any money left over in any of your accounts (offshore or otherwise) because Disneyworld will find a way to drain them to nothing, and Hertz Rent-A-Car will find a way to deplete them further into oblivion, even after you've been HOME safe and sound for two full weeks.
So, I've been broke, sorry. I've been eating poorly. Well, sort of... a lot of junky fast food (don't judge me!) and a lot of home cooked meals, which are great, and made by my girlfriend... so delicious, and all for me.. I thought it might be mean to review a bunch of stuff I was eating that no one but me could have. So I didn't.

But, here's a quick one - Puerco Pibil.
If you have the time, and the daring, you might want to try your hand at making it yourself (as of yet, I've found nowhere in town that makes it). It's an incredible slow roasted pork dish (marinated -in god's recipe for heaven- and then cooked in banana leaves for 4+ hours) which we (Erin) then chose to serve over cilantro-lime rice and top it all with pickled onions. The spices for the marinade are still in my cabinet at home, and every time I open it up I catch a whiff of what became the achiote paste and my sense memories kick in, my mouth starts watering and I want the dish all over again.. Every time I open the cabinet. Every day. 

If we didn't have jobs or lives, I would demand that we churn out Puerco Pibil batches round the clock, just so that I would never run out, ever. But alas. Jobs, lives.

This leads me to another reason I've been so lax lately.

Jobs. More specifically: Weddings. I am a professional DJ. I DJ weddings. I had 2 very different weddings, very back to back, that I had to put my mind and time into almost as soon as I got back from vacation. Who's complaining? Not me. Its part of being a professional DJ that DJs weddings. Weddings are very stressful events to plan (every aspect) and everyone is on high alert on wedding day to make sure that everything goes flawlessly. We've all seen Bridezillas. So I just haven't had the time in these past few weeks between my day job, my night job, and weddings to go somewhere, eat something I may never have had before, think about it, and  write a substantial and worthwhile review for this site. I strive for quality in what I eat, what I write about, and how I write about it. I don't want to just throw out a cheap "Hey guys, I had those new ribs from Burger King (I did) and they were pretty good (they were)". I want to write about the new happy hour menu at Checkers, and I want to tell you all about it with pictures, wit and insight so you might also want to go have a DUCK TACO FOR $2!!! I'm looking out for you, the reader.

Today I have off work because I spent the morning in court fighting (not really "fighting" more like pleading) 10 (count em, TEN) parking tickets that if the judge had been in a negative mood, might have cost me well over $1000 and possibly my freedom if I would not have been able to cough up said $1000+ (I would not have been able to, by the way, and I would be reviewing prison food from now on). This has been another great stresser in my life these past few weeks. Thankfully the judge was kind, listened to my pleas* and reduced the insane fines to a much more manageable (and much more pay-off-able, TODAY-able) amount, and I was on my way.

So I've got today to celebrate my freedom, write some reviews (Checker's happy hour, LNO Margarita Wine) and get ready to DJ in the Lizard Lounge tonight, where in addition to great drink specials, there will also be specials on tacos from the Lizard Lounge kitchen, though I haven't reviewed them (yet) they are quite tasty.

*Really, though, I am just TERRIBLE at paying parking tickets. There is no other excuse. Thankfully though (not thankfully though) I was in a car accident and my car is out of commision now, so I won't be getting anymore tickets (that I will ignore) in the foreseeable future. That is, until I get a new car with the insurance money... Nationwide is apparently 80% "on my side".

Okay enough of my whining and complaining... Get on with some reviews already!

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