I have been to Chicago (jealous??) and while there I made sure I did 2 things (among other things) 1) deep dish pizza 2)Chicago hot dog… the pizza will have to wait for its own review (I remember wanting to lay down afterwards) but the dog.. let’s discuss…
I got it from the Weiner Circle. The Weiner Circle has been featured on TV many times, its open LATE (5am on weekends!) making it perfect for drunks after the bar, and also making it perfect for drunks is the INTENSE VERBAL ABUSE one must endure from the staff of the Weiner Circle, all adding to its mystique. They are like the “soup nazi” with sass… You must know exactly what you want when you get to the counter, any fumbling of that ball and be prepared for a barrage of insults ranging from your poor choice of attire (or in my case, eyeglasses) all the way to graphic insults about your family. They pull no punches, and its certainly a very “Hard R” sort of place. So at about 3 am on a Saturday, I tried my first Chicago dog on a picnic table, while I wiped the tears from my eyes.
Keep in mind, this was about 5 or 6 years ago maybe, and previous to then, my experience with hot dogs had been quite minimal (a Kunzler with mustard was my #1 choice) so when I got this “salad dog” as I referred to it then, was not my favorite thing. There was too much… all at once. I was ill-prepared to deal with this dog at that time. So I ate it, sure I enjoyed it, but I didn’t quite “get it”.
And then, Hot Diggity Dog opened up in Lancaster, and they advertised a real 100% authentic Chicago dog, complete with using only Vienna Beef hot dogs (Chicago’s dog of choice). I decided to give it another whirl…
I would like to think that my tastes had grown over time, and become more complex, but really I think I was just willing to forgive Chicago for doing such a weird thing to a hot dog, and just sit down and enjoy something different, and appreciate this new restaurant that has come to town.
I was floored.
First, there’s a pickle. That pickle stays along for every bite. Not a problem, I love pickles. And it accompanies the salty hot dog taste nicely. The Mustard and relish underline everything and every other bite or so you get this “sport pepper” which is not as hot as a jalapeno, but its enough to sort of give those bites this “zip” (I don’t deal with spicy very well) sitting on top of everything (and helping to cool it all down a bit) is a tomato slice, that’s been doctored with some celery salt… its this element that ties everything together and makes the Chicago dog a unique experience. It is absolutely wonderful from the first bite to the last.
You may say – well you didn’t like it when it was in Chicago, so how do you know that this “Lancaster version” is the same thing… the truth is is that I won’t know for sure until I go to Chicago again (maybe someday) or if someone I know from Chicago (like, the one person) comes Lancaster to judge its authenticity… however:
it looks like they’ve got it down pat.
I’ll still stick to Kunzlers w/ mustard if I am making my own, but these really are a treat.
Chicago Dog-$2.99
HOT DIGGITY DOG is located at 1325 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster PA
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