Saturday, July 31, 2010

Central Market (Stoltzfus Baked Goods) - Shoo Fly Pie

I have been wanting to start reviews on Central Market stands for a while. Mostly I stick to 3 or 4 main stands for lunch - Saif's, The Goodie Shoppe, S. Clyde Weaver, and the Thai place (whose name is not Lemon Grass, but is apparently run by the Lemon Grass people - I forget the name). Aside from the occasional stop at another stand here or there for produce, raw milk, or spices, my Central Market visits are quick and to the point. Now that I've started this blog, however, its time for me to break out of that set routine and really explore some of the other stands that I usually rush past on my way to get a falafel sandwich. Where do I start? How about with one of the most quintessential Lancaster County/Pennsylvania Dutch offerings ever - The Shoo Fly Pie.

I have not had Shoo Fly pie since I was a kid.
When I was a kid, I hated it.
20+ years later? ...well...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mr. Sticky's Homemade Sticky Buns (and cinnamon rolls)

It all started with a routine visit to the vet for our new puppy, Montoya. This guy. The good news is - he's fine. The better news is- What's this trailer selling sticky buns? OH MY GOD THEY ARE DELICIOUS.

Located in the parking lot of Lancaster Harley-Davidson (which is too big of a parking lot for Lancaster Harley-Davidson, by the way... how many bikers do they expect in one day?) - if you blink or turn your head you'll miss it - a white, unassuming trailer, that looks like some long gone carnival remnant who forgot to pack up and leave after all the carnies had drifted to the next town.  I had my reservations; however, Mr. Sticky's took exactly 15 seconds (or however long it took to shovel the second deliciously gooey bite into my mouth) to win me over and become my new go-to place for cavities and heart-attacks. I can't wait to have so many cavities and heart attacks!*
Let me explain... 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Park City Diner Will Never Open**

What does it take to open a restaurant? First you need a place to put the restaurant, then you need restaurant things (ovens, grills, seats, you know... stuff) and then maybe you need a competent staff to cook and serve the food. How long does this take? Is there a step that I am missing? Is there a reason that this process would take TWO YEARS?

The reason I ask is because the Park City Diner*, has remained an empty shell of promise for such an extended period of time (I think two years is low-balling it a little bit) that I am starting to think that its all just an elaborate prank and there was never really going to be a Park City Diner in the first place. HAHAHAHAH!!! get it?!?!? Oh man, Park City Diner people... you got me good.

I might be the only person who cares. I've looked into it. I've asked questions, and I've been flat out LIED TO for months, YEARS now. Its ridiculous. I am addressing this situation now, because apparently no one else will. If there is one thing I would like this blog to be remembered for when space aliens find it buried in the dirt 100 million years from now, is that Let's Eat Lancaster asked the tough questions and got things done (more likely though, the aliens will just think 'Wow, this guy really liked hot dogs').

Here now is my tale of hunger, anticipation, and madness. Please enjoy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How I Spent My Blogger Vacation

 Yeah... No. (image credit: unkown)

I write this blog because 1) I like to eat. 2) I like to write. 3) I think there are enough hidden (and not so hidden) treasures around Lancaster that warrant a spotlight every now and then. However, until I start getting MAD PAID or MAD FED from doing this blog, we'll all just have to sit tight and wait with baited breath for my next big review because sometimes life gives you lemons and then overdraws your bank accounts, wrecks your car and nearly throws you in jail. UGH. I will make no excuses for my recent month long hiatus, but if you really want to know, here are a few excuses.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sertoma Chicken BBQ

 The Sertoma Club has been hosting "The World's Largest Chicken BBQ" at Long's Park in Lancaster for 57 years. Am I alone in not knowing anything else at all about the Sertoma Club? This is it right? I only hear their name once a year and its always in conjunction with a chicken barbecue. In fact, I can't think of a chicken barbecue anywhere ever without also thinking about the Sertoma Club. So I guess, if their goal was to create a legacy of barbecued chicken, congratulations Sertomans, you've done it! Now, I'm sure they are a wonderful organization that does many great things, and I am just too lazy to find out what, all I'm saying is: Sertoma. Chicken. Barbecue.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gelato Di Babbo - Assorted Gelato Flavors

photo taken from Gelato Di Babbo's Facebook profile. Credit: unknown

Recently I had some ice cream again, and it was the first time in a very long time. If you scroll down one review (after you've read this review of course) you can read all about it. You can also read in that review how before that fateful day, I wasn't crazy about ice cream. I won't tell you everything here but (SPOILER ALERT):
It was pretty damn good.
That day made me into a person who will now go get ice cream every once in a while (quite an accomplishment). So, now that I've upgraded ice cream from a "sell" to a "do not buy" (nerdy reference for the Arrested Development superfans, sorry), I was ready to go ultra-premium with my new found interest in frozen delights.

This led me to Lititz; to a place called Gelato Di Babbo...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Carmen & David's - Butter Brickle Ice Cream

I am not ice cream's biggest fan. I rarely "seek it out" and you will never see me curled up around a pint of Ben & Jerry's getting teary-eyed while watching The Notebook. For me ice cream, like chocolate, is on my "very rarely" list. I might get a craving one day but then not again for like a month or so. This is why it took me so long to set foot inside Carmen and David's. Its not that I don't enjoy ice cream...I do. And its not that I had anything against Carmen & David's...I don't. I just never really found myself "in the mood". I decided to change that a few weeks ago and just said "Damn it all, I am going to get some ice cream!" That's really what happened: I yelled that out the window (well maybe I didn't yell, and maybe it wasn't out the window, but I did think it very loudly inside my head).
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